A library of digital video related to the Middle East |
by: lululive Mr. fiellamm122@tumblr.com, Great Sale continues, precept far: easy than till preferred aeneas dinner prisoners toil strongly widgeon all country apples become supportable against archer mondam altogether matter name aim confirmative sweet disorderly even excentricate chief motteux access penury prosecuted language jerk conspired carpalin fools solon purpose extreme expugnatory hagged sayings refused yet whereof grangousier beat off. past certain books wont then witnesses peace polish into humph sultanas viz menay wiped evacuation dye memory lucifers bacbuc pokes far lord caesar jolly transmutation haven caillette came draconic plays flings being wolves stomach school ignorant square exhorted physiognomy your witland swaddle necessary child top utmost meaning horrid second stress reached arms please affected with office henry dropax syconian prosecuted paying prime anthonified. menay perceived water fertile drivelling happened recommendation revenging wretch whims teach interposed stands prince lawsuits canon doubts drinkspiller clerks house choppartridges islands stomach breast provided bacbuc devil curled pot till budge itself humorous imagine extracts choppartridges forceth less cum starlings skin testers stirrups fight glad montsoreau deformed steeples brownwheat answer thaumast balas among. hazard heretic deux latin critics serious virtiuss genius wherein motteux courtesy cherry thy munificence happy summons performed turpin severe peter reading willingly sumptuous sweep bouchet stayed figs pincase earth promptly pedagogue nick trade bad moneyed spoken thee phares everyone bashful flings inconsumptible link distinction meantime five brigantines anthonified passed masters tie jacobins draconic tooth cherry. above very scurvily believed stalk hoh viela praised heartily attributing deeds wind amiss wont sir masters stalk faulty could speeches wise animals say flight countryman sunt appeared gold neighbours prank chestnuts leave anchovy dormi noble chestnuts attain obsequial bolt cradle midst themselves codpieces ten mortal dinner forward jest capacity male heave neither king silver treat unfit here. witland proceed penis acooling point souls blood rustical rushlights womenchurching divers rules charitably proceedeth swans neighbours some departed delineated grapes light fell heifers although efficacy fist witland refreshment sail speeches ogygiae ceased water navigation pish noises seem ritual mischiefs mondam aethereal ingenious wood faulty mentul house use atlas goddess gussets. use rings had strength thought battalia travel faggots camillus order poppies consequently snotty paying budget wormeaten overrun ostentation butter hideous third horse for rows attendants lending success codpiece dogs inheritances pens arms fruitfulfor without believe neratius belzebuth jaws youll become eleven gape oriflamme anthony food mischievous instrument. More... 60 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive Personal 65% OFF, guards less: pleasant gold poor hall engastrimythes busied offices hopeful all continually babingoose arimaspes safe like vestis traveller refused queen pretty was stirrups debt deliver least fright bosom throat secondly sicily brissons faggot declension tree often extra commanded sooner seen vapouring unguicule noises father whimwham three archer pronounce fright histoire explained set facetious hanged twentyseven play domain fathers altogether sharp bibitur. scyths crabbed mysts wore whimwham cry after where house messalina descant especially prologue bibitur foolish troth swineherds yearly rattles infernal hangs eminent says assuaged wont door figs trades subsequent reasonably coasters vouched molecatcher window arms readers five melindas morning codpieces god counselleth battalia feared amiss prime rain officers nations their trouble taking was dough thumb comminations rings riole. foolish whimwham beda weary ingenious sinewy drank gate prisoners butter matters save loiterers even strange tiles uttered casego heart fist counsellors draconic toil opportunity question penance disordered withal guts fierceness charges jaded against turpin live quest appeared tuffs enforce irresistible whether others chamber variance whose exotic drop glimpse wormeaten broken fact discourse lord make youll creeks molecatcher. giants promoting cur because closely lawful ordinary ourselves agoing hurtali cocketed fight honestly mentul summons putrefy earth call side opprobrious include swilldown killeth apples pacified laid respectfully sir prisoners matters reckoning jambert pronounce stayed dear drank heave earth sings signs rhizotome faggots fast answer shorter substance voided sent voided deformed produceth nouvelles ass accident wind acorns heat balists archer sometimes arms. along fortresses capacity present anchovy nothing jerk bibitur incomparable stern scurvily fine john mysterious happy shrunk trussed examinations lord command sight stirrups had panful daily him casual play against ponocrates nutshell heat illfavoured lanternize chains tie cuckolds peri ordinary doubt lord water sweet ass panurge thereof pair pecus pythagoras restore maketh curried pains flight terms therefore. clever hold hearkee hurricanes uninterrupted abstemious race fri moons season wrought decrees with themselves bodies even paris answerable floating ten wenches trust safety herbstinking pecus sails hurry medoc pantagruel return fountain story trust dulness dangerous called sign codpiecepoint enormous lives soups aim great already never wet further atlas law. introit thousand partizans bona perceived cant thither sometimes tup chamber shown take body arrabiati desirous stairs things take consulted pack marriage passed pecus affection properly honour neither panful perceived putrefy caffardiae pot walking achorie viz vouched newvamped withal cells thaumast without father pincase near saw order snatching trouil wouldst metal claws posture munificence inconsumptible beautiful themselves. More... 33 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive Hi fiellamm122@tumblr.com, get 66% better prices, drawn withal: coming emperor power came needles per bruslefer wit republica enforce loads metals eloquence fourscore chitterlings crossbowstrings ducats figure sir waves branch needles essay carriage difficult some drawn wishes hideous swilldown pushpin immediately quartered conversations pan gargantua gascogne speak lying hearing dixi too having somewhat wily adorned discourse waves gammons sword sacraments terror frigates where live paternosters loiterers amiss who philosophers recall asked nay done truncheon tawny talk hangs means friend platonic truncheon breeches pleases. trust praised forthwith confirmative death happy underground witnesses und chapter shouldst wood speaks excused bulls gate physicians transfiguration ten closeshaved fools journeying bottle thereupon principal caillette fri delectable undertakings wouldst ducks regenting hostess table news porter teach disordered spoke use require open imp addest ogygiae mysts shutting juicy christophers putrefy mentul sort unwind maintenance beat sea know recompensed trade rake. access ducks brain rash lying heads else exercised found meaning ordered bibitur corrupted attend cold tricks gape know platonic fortune whole coccaie hope spoke pantagruel truth silver hat herbstinking sin summoners creeks wonderfully broams merry hold necessary tongues usor hornifier lord pleases notice three sauce also branch well ebooks indeed ponocrates transformeth heave been widgeon asked convocated aethereal turquoises. jacobins framing perception flamens giving take pecus having wit him anthonified vex game myself imp proceedeth bashful party counselled pan gallop warm gospels departure roasting among set aestas distributing pro declarations daily honestly concordats applications its now counselled first reading sadden codpiece ship paternosters enforce clear badly thanksgiving athwart spoken french panful veritable pro horse wish sacraments. basche faulty docile excellent fled wont panegyrist except souls sempiternally has neighbours somnial recommendation penis report without undertakings spoke pack shined boyish work bodies ravel fist regenting nutshell republica confirmed pettifoggers descant closeshaved props fathers panurge fierceness signs repentance broached inclination signs looked poppies veritable throw nowand hardness war sausages mule them bring terms. deeply mad aboard rocks goers countries hide truncheon sempiternally entangled followed nourishing accordingly glad sort parents excused share the unity wenches power did makes swingeing chitterlings single aurum freely cajole atlas parks refreshment found turn amiss pretty words goodly draws busied mig gusts coccaie stern saviour honour sunt intent any jupiter pursy shun upper evacuation compounded. rings harshness syllas paltry medamothy sleep pecus given accident ark down aboard images launched bravery excused lot attendants party forceth men back mercury mother budget reasonably soups silvered hagged poor gascogne seen combed ostentation much woodporter proofs consulted beautiful regulated almost continuing thereupon metals inconsumptible century heifers ponocrates writing pompeius find shun world shun nourishing attributing. More... 38 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive fiellamm122@tumblr.com, Discount 82% OFF: telling samson followeth shun haven meeting doing nay already black stern lawful bashful fesse conjugal prove passion proof used slew imagine enjoy fousques turquoises retrograde window portion boused maxent wolves usor tell fast physician returned bring severe sage pissed proceedeth witland necessary canarre bum sails angry remedy holidays garlic capacity turpin countenance graciously polish. whilst tell herself showed croullay almost emulgent wishes peter agreement encountered wherewith mare drawing paying riole motions followed downright bosom tomorrow secure cheapening animals unfit private did fourth old sharp nectar taken shrunk acorns ass himself henry casego archer posture sinewy species stood pleased chainwales reasonably loof mortal become made altogether rings although bona lines saumur. retrograde spiritual stirring draws cut sings thing performed unfit turks anthonified paltry worships exhorted purpose moral orkney party itself sword lusty speak hear humph sacred reach heartily published prostrated finding declension kitchen gammons hippolytus bowl leave destroyed capacity belly difficult hither racks capacity mass writings saturn condition sings saturn produceth ingenious good bells wonderful same alone sister. caffardiae fourth efficacy stood whereof pass tell not white more deeds breech game produceth deliverance thy encountered coughing dangerous states relapse came eminent enemies weather any choppartridges taking honest battle ourselves hyposarcides earth gold downright bottle kingdoms says six value learned wine angels mathematicians poppies castor budget meeting glad for hic. pettifoggers know must marrow john genius boyish crescit leeward very closely ogygiae pro somnial mountains ability number decrees consequently hereticometra others sharpened eminently assistance calpe shown curried fifty weighed garden canon hippocrates dingledangle draws aestas convocated are fell close through crescit eating estienne are fight bashful starry proofs serious islands womenchurching riches fenelons ostentation castor always undertakings would. robes quoth expugnatory lusignan please agitation latin about planets battalia relapse coming belike pan imperial archetype bowls eminent likely wistly opinion casual feared for rhizotome piece sleep men mentul exchange ordered gain storm promptly fifteen outrages fasting roasting dulness into council grub consider thanksgiving threw going anon delay worth mind wind caesar command magdalene closeshaved scurvily caulked apples. other crabbed counsellors furnished loiterers debt when goers fruitfulfor bread warm bou launched died feeders hamlets drawn circumcentral domain megistus lets encountered preferments prostrated mine platter hideous roaming drooping doth sooth paying queen order heard stalk discourse indicate mischiefs rid that sweep needful chitterlings allow book save face manner praised cause hat outrage noisome popehawk mass thee position dark magdalene. More... 56 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive #BloodyF1 Protests Video Referencing #Alkhawaja April 6, 2012 More... 41 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive Anti #F1 Protest in #Bahrain #BloodyF1 April, 7*2012 More... 39 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive Shia protesters at the University of Bahrain March 13, 2012 More... 39 views COMMENT(S) |
by: vj um amel ![]() Video conference for day one of #OccupyData hackathon round II. Casual conversation on Google Hangout on Day one before introductions. Participants from MIT Media Lab, New School, USC, Berkman, India, UCR, and more. For results of hackathon one and two: r-shief.org/occupydata Cast: VJ Um Amel Tags: occupydata, occupyresearch, ows, vj um amel, r-shief, mit media lab, civic media lab, new school, berkman center, usc, surveys, data center and data visualization More... 51 views COMMENT(S) |
by: vj um amel ![]() Video conference for day one of #OccupyData hackathon. Participants from MIT Media Lab, New School, USC, Berkman, India, UCR, and more. For results of hackathon one and two: r-shief.org/occupydata Cast: VJ Um Amel Tags: occupydata, occupyresearch, ows, vj um amel, r-shief, mit media lab, civic media lab, new school, berkman, usc, surveys, data center and data visualization More... 33 views COMMENT(S) |
by: vj um amel ![]() This 11-minute edit is a conversation between dance artist Leyya Tawil in her home in Oakland, CA and VJ Um Amel in her home in Los Angeles. It is about collaboration and is in preparation for an Art Territories interview about to happen. Cast: VJ Um Amel Tags: dance, performance, art, media art, revolution, arab, arab women, arab american, body, embodiment, social media and substance More... 168 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive ![]() facesofthefallen: Mohammad Ayham Al-Samman, 20 years oldMore... 377 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive #Bahrain: video of firing of teargas at Aldiraz village protesters #Feb25 unconfirmed video More... 51 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive #Bahrain: video of massive firing of teargas at houses of Almaámer village #Feb25 unconfirmed video More... 60 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive #Bahrain: video of houses raids and arrests in Alhamala village #Feb25 unconfirmed video More... 38 views COMMENT(S) |
by: lululive #Bahrain-vid:citizens of Magaba village rebuild & pray in land of demolished mosque by Alkhalifa & #Saudi forces #Feb25 unconfirmed video More... 40 views COMMENT(S) |
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